A group of friends brought me to try prawning.

We started with one of them letting me feel the length of the rod, the float. She showed me where she tied the bait (chicken heart). After which, she asked me to throw that end of the rod into the water. She then helped me adjust the rod. She also taught me how to move the rod in the water to lure the prawns. After the bait was tossed in, it was just a waiting game. While waiting, I was telling her that I hoped that I could catch something since I was here right. The next thing I know, there was a tugging at the end of the rod!

I got really excited!

When I flicked my rod...

Tada. That was my very first and only catch of the day.

Siew ling with her prawn catch of the day

Tan Siew Ling is fully Deafblind, having lost both her sight and hearing to a neurological condition, Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2). She carries a screen reader with a Braille display, which she fondly names it as “Bear Bear”, everywhere she goes. Her humour, wordplay, and love of puns keep friends on their toes. She enjoys reading books in her free time and loves to pen down her thoughts, often on a whim, which can be entertaining at times, on her social media. When she is not writing or reading, she can be seen doing insanely 72kg leg presses or swinging a 20kg kettlebell to and fro. You can find out more about Siew Ling and her journey here.