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Enabling Business Hub (EBHs)

Enabling Business Hubs bring training and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities closer to their homes. The first EBH – EBH@Jurong – is located beside Lakeside MRT at 111A Yuan Ching Road, Singapore 619606.

Five cheerful individuals, including persons with disabilities, are posing with their hands held wide open and giving thumb-ups.


Enabling Business Hubs bring training and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities closer to their homes. Developed by SG Enable, EBHs support persons with disabilities through customised job support and a structured work environment with inclusive practices.

With an on-site Employment Support Team, persons with disabilities can look forward to a comprehensive suite of employment-related services such as vocational assessment, training, job-matching and post-placement job support. These services aim to better match persons with disabilities to jobs in the region based on their skills and interests and support them in employment. 

The EBHs also have Centres for Inclusive Employment for employers which act as one-stop hubs for industry-specific training and employment facilitation. EBHs will showcase inclusive practices to employers and encourage them to implement these practices at their own workplaces. 


The first EBH – EBH@Jurong – has been launched and is located beside Lakeside MRT. EBH@Jurong aims to bring training and employment opportunities closer to the homes of persons with disabilities living in the West, including those with higher work support needs. EBH@Jurong has a Centre for Inclusive Employment in the Logistics sector to onboard more inclusive employers and create job opportunities for persons with disabilities in the sector.

Key Features of EBH@Jurong

  1. Provide targeted training and support to prepare persons with disabilities for employment in the logistics sector.

  2. Provide on-site employment support, including longer and more intensive employment support for persons with disabilities with higher work support needs and require a longer runway of support to work independently in the community.

Who can Apply

Residents should be:

  1. Aged 16 and above
  2. Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents
  3. Diagnosed with disabilities of the following nature:
    • Physical
    • Intellectual (IQ level of less than 70)
    • Sensory (Visual Impairment or Deafness), or
    • Developmental (including Autism)
    • Or any combination of any such disabilities
  4. Living in the West or keen to work in the Logistics industry 


How to Apply

Persons with disabilities keen on employment programmes, or have other enquiries, please submit an application to SG Enable here or email us at


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