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Assisted Deputyship Application Programme (ADAP)


ADAP aims to make it simpler and more affordable for parents of children with no mental capacity to manage their own matters in adulthood to apply to Family Justice Courts to be appointed as deputies for their child. This allows parents to continue making legal decisions for their child after he/she turns 21 years old.

Who is eligible

Your child is:

  • between 18 and 21 years old as well as in the graduating cohort in a Special Education (SPED) school; or
  • enrolled in an MSF-funded Day Activity Centre (DAC) or Sheltered Workshop (SW).

Parents/caregivers agree to use the list of powers available under the Integrated Family Application Management System (iFAMS) in their filing of a simplified Deputyship application.

Must be an uncontested case (i.e. straightforward application where family members and any other caregivers agree with the application).


How to apply?

  • SG Enable supports a MSF-appointed ADAP Agency to provide guidance to parents/caregivers in their Deputyship application.
  • The parent/caregiver can approach the relevant staff in the SPED school, Day Activity Centre or Sheltered Workshop to indicate interest to apply for Deputyship. The school or centre will work with an MSF-appointed ADAP Agency to guide the parent/caregiver in their Deputyship application.


More Information

For more information about ADAP, please visit our frequently asked questions.

Have additional enquiries? Contact SG Enable at or call 1800-8585-885.

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