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Children Disability Homes (CDHs)

Children Disability Homes (CDHs) provide long-term and short-term residential care for children with disabilities.


CDHs provide long-term residential care to children with disabilities who are neglected or whose caregivers are incapable of caring for them.

Some homes also provide short-term respite care for those whose families are unable to provide care temporarily.

At the CDHs, children can enjoy a host of recreational and training activities aimed at maximizing their abilities as well as undergo the required therapy that they need.

SG Enable provides referrals to government-aided CDHs in Singapore.

Who can apply?

Admissions of persons with disabilities into a CDH should be considered as a last resort and only when it is in their best interests. They should otherwise be encouraged and assisted to live in the community for as long as possible.

For non-statutory admissions, the applicants should be:

Read More Adult Disability Homes - Long-term and short-term residential care for adults with disabilities
  1. Below 18 years old*
  2. Singapore Citizens or Permanent Residents1
  3. Diagnosed with congenital disabilities of the following nature:
    • Physical
    • Intellectual
    • Sensory (Hearing/Visual Impairment)
    • Developmental (e.g. Autism Spectrum Disorder)
    • A combination of two or more of the above

*Applicants with acquired disabilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Applicants may not be eligible if they have one or more of the following:

  • They have untreated infectious diseases
  • They are suffering from serious psychotic disorders and/or serious behavioural problems that require them to be under close individual supervision or nursing care.

1 For Permanent Residents, at least one immediate family member must be a Singapore Citizen. Immediate family member refer to spouses, parents, children of the applicant, including step-parents and step-children.

How to apply?

Please approach a social worker from a touchpoint (e.g. Social Service Agency (SSA), hospital and etc.) for assistance in submitting an application for CDH.

Submission of applications to SG Enable by Social Workers (Online or Hard Copy)

  1. Online submission (Recommended)
    Log into e-Services using your CorpPass

    If required, you may download the forms below for use:


  2. Hard copy submission
    Download the application form, print and send together with the required documents

    By Post
    SG Enable - Adult Disability Services
    20 Lengkok Bahru
    Singapore 159053

    By Email

Upon receiving the referral, SG Enable will contact you to provide information to help you make an informed decision on your choice of service.

Acceptance into the programme at the preferred home is subject to the availability of vacancies and approval of the home management.

Application Processing

SG Enable will contact you within 10 working days upon receiving the completed application together with the required supporting documents from the touchpoint. SG Enable will also update the social worker who assisted in the application on the status of the application.

More Information

For more information about CDHs, please visit our frequently asked questions page.

For a list of organisations that provide CDH services, view the CDH Service Matrix (PDF).

Have additional enquiries? Contact SG Enable or call 1800-8585-885.

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