"We offer home-based therapy services designed to meet the specific needs of the kids in a comfortable and familiar environment. Our experienced therapists work closely with families to create individualised treatment plans that address each child’s strengths and weaknesses. We employ a personalised approach to ABA therapy that is adjusted to the child’s individual pace. Our therapists focus on addressing issues such as inflexibility and fixation, problems with following instructions, undesired behaviors, and a lack of eye contact. We aim to enhance socialization skills, encourage verbal communication, and prepare your child for conventional schooling. We also provide caretakers with the tools and resources they need to support their child's development and improve their overall quality of life. Caretaker training may cover topics such as behaviour management, communication strategies, and coping skills."
(Source: https://tenderminds.sg/)

Services Available
  • Intervention and Therapy Service(s)
    Type of Service: Intervention and Therapy
    Life Stage: Infancy & Early Childhood, Children & Teens
  • Caregiver Support
    Type of Service: Counselling/Emotional Support